Jesse Hazlip launches his first solo show, “Mark of Cain” at Known Gallery in Los Angeles.
Art Center alums wrapped up 2014 with a flurry of media attention and creative activity. Here’s a snapshot of their impressive undertakings.
Harald Belker (BS 90 TRAN) was quoted in a Los Angeles Times article about the future of transportation. LA Times.
Young Chun (BFA 00 ILLU) was featured in an article on Creative Boom. Creative Boom.
Diana Duval (BFA 90 ILLU) was highlighted in San Diego City Beat for her work and process. San Diego City Beat.
Jesse Hazelip’s (BFA 07 ILLU) first solo show, Mark of Cain, at Known Gallery was featured in the Huffington Post. Huffington Post.
Martin Lotti (BFA 97 PROD), Vice President and Global Creative director for Nike Football, was featured in an article on The Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal
David Negron (BFA 65 ILLU) spoke on his career and unveiled a new painting at Baylor University. Baylor University.
John Niero (BFA 07 ENVL) received an Award of Excellence in the category of Renovation from the Architectural Commission of Claremont. Just Not Normal
Spenser Nikosey (BFA 08 PROD) spoke about his company, KILLSPENCER, in the Design & Architecture section of KCRW’s blog. DNA.
Ellen November (BFA 73 ILLU) was featured in both If It’s Hip It’s Here and Fast Company’s design blog. If It’s Hip It’s Here Fast Company.
Andrew Oldknow (BS 98 PROD) was interviewed by designboom about his career at Nike Golf. designboom.
Victoria Ying (BFA 07 ILLU) was featured in an article on The Verge about her work at Disney. The Verge
Dahlia Schweitzer (MA 08 CRIT) released a new book, Cindy Sherman’s Office Killer: Another Kind of Monster. Intellect.
Kathryn Andrews (MFA 02 GART) curated Photo by Fredrik Nilsen at current BFA student Adam Stamp’s new project space. Downtown Photoroom. November 7 – January 31.
Neil Shigley (BFA 86 ILLU) will be showing a series of new works, Invisible People, at the Oceanside Museum of Art. Oceanside Museum of Art. November 1 – February 15.
Bill Wheelock (MA 04 CRIT) is featured in a group show at Yale University and is scheudled to speak at Art Center in the near future. Odd Volumes. November 7 – February 1.
Shuyang Dai (BFA 14 ILLU), Gabriella Rossetti (BFA 14 ILLU) and Claire George (BFA 09 ILLU) are crowdsourcing funds for their illustrated book Forgetting Beethoven. Kickstarter.
This is so awesome, i love the ART Graphics