Jeunes Talents 2010 Opens in WeHo

A group show featuring photographs of contemporary French life by American art school students premieres at Louis Stern Fine Arts in West Hollywood this week before moving to galleries in New Orleans and New York.

Jeunes Talents 2010, French Impressions: New Photographic Perspectives was conceived in the spirit of photographer Robert Frank. Eight American art students, including Art Center Photography and Imaging student David Holden Smith, were sent to France to capture the essence of French life and culture with fresh sensibilities, unsullied eyes and new perspectives. The cities of Aix-en-Provence, Arles (where Smith stayed), Marseille and Toulon were among the cities hosting photographers for 10 days.

Art Center is proud to have participated in the exchange program since its inception. To view the results of previous editions of Jeunes Talents visit or the Jeunes Talents page on Facebook.

Jeunes Talents 2010, French Impressions: New Photographic Perspectives
April 7-21
Louis Stern Fine Arts
9002 Melrose Avenue
West Hollywood

(Featured image by David Holden Smith)

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