Art Center Student Awarded IDSA Scholarship

The Industrial Designers Society of America’s (IDSA) Gianninoto Graduate Scholarship program has awarded a $1,500 scholarship to Pengtao Yu, a second-year Grad ID student at Art Center.


“My interest in industrial design started with my curiosity of how things work and my obsession with beautiful objects,” says Yu. “Four year of undergraduate industrial design training, along with several internship experiences in top design studios, has given me strong traditional design skills.”

Yu has won two International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) awards in the student design category, and one of his furniture designs has been licensed by a major U.S. manufacturer to put into production.

IDSA’s Gianninoto Graduate Scholarship was originally established by the late Francesco Gianninoto, a US package designer who was a founder of the Package Design Council. Two of his most famous designs were the Marlboro cigarette package (mid-1950s) and “Elsie Daisy,” the Borden Cow.

Congrats, Pengtao!

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