Artist Corey Fogel, part of Machine Project's 2008 "Field Guide" to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Tonight, Art Center’s Office of Career Development and Fine Art Department are presenting students with a unique opportunity to meet Mark Allen, the founder and executive director of Machine Project, from 7-9 p.m. in the Boardroom at Hillside Campus.
A non-profit performance and installation space that investigates art, technology, science and more, the Echo Park-based Machine Project also operates as a loose confederacy of artists producing shows at locations ranging from beaches to museums.
Tonight, Allen will discuss Machine Project’s history, fantastical events and mysterious collaborators. Topics covered will include indoor shipwrecks, dog operas (opera for and by dogs),fire starting with sticks, houseplant vacations, and teaching children how to steal cars.
No RSVP is required.