Student concepts for reimagining the Arroyo Seco exhibiting at Pasadena Library

Family members enjoy ArtCenter student concepts for reimagining The Arroyo Seco on exhibit at Pasadena’s Central Library through May 25, 2018. Photo credit: ©ArtCenter College of Design/James Meraz

Family members enjoy ArtCenter student concepts for reimagining The Arroyo Seco on exhibit at Pasadena’s Central Library through May 25, 2018. Photo credit: ©ArtCenter College of Design/James Meraz

Students in Environmental Design’s Sustainable Design Studio class tackled a local challenge when they were asked to reimagine how the neigborhing Arroyo Seco’s natural habitats, resources and historic sites could be preserved, enhanced and connected by a potentially extraordinary end-to-end trail system. Working with The Arroyo Advisory Group, their final concepts are on display at Padadena’s Central Library through May 25, 2018.

“The projects developed by ArtCenter’s Environmental Design Studio are somewhat provocative suggestions of how the Arroyo Seco can be reimagined and enhanced for the next generation of users,” Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek said. “I encourage the public to visit the Central Library exhibit and see for themselves the many ways in which the Arroyo evokes inspiration in others.”

Read more about the project and this exhibition in our Newsroom.


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