Tag Archives: Christopher Kosek

Students Tackle Human Rights Issues

Images for Human Rights: Student Voices, a provocative exhibition exploring perspectives of Art Center students on the issues of freedom and human rights, is on display at the Skirball Cultural Center. The exhibition features more than a dozen large-scale, illustrated posters created by Art Center students as part of a Designmatters project.

The exhibition was designed in 2008 to mark the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in Paris in 1948. The historic document arose out of the tragedies of World War II and is modeled after the United States Constitution.

Images for Human Rights: Student Voices displays fresh interpretations of the declaration’s many principles, encouraging viewers to reflect upon its continuing significance. Taking such declarations as “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude” (Article 4), “No one shall be subjected to torture” (Article 5), or “Everyone has the right to education” (Article 26), the artists were challenged to represent these assertions through visual images. Each poster is accompanied by the text of the article(s) that inspired it, as well as insightful commentary by the student.

The exhibit runs through March 7. Read more about the project at the Desigmatters website.

Images for Human Rights: Student Voices
The Skirball Cultural Center
2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90049

(Pictured: Everybody by Christopher Kosek)