Tag Archives: GLBTQIA

OutNetwork Presents Mapping at Brewery Annex

OutNetwork, Art Center’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Questioning, Intersex and Allies (GLBTQIA) student club, will exhibit the work of a dozen artists and designers the L.A. Artcore Brewery Annex in downtown Los Angeles throughout March. The exhibit, Mapping, examines the GLBTQIA community and their location geographically, politically, internationally and locally.

Mapping is an extension of the mission of OutNetwork, which not only supports and embraces a variety of individuals from every socio-economic background, but also provides opportunities for networking and advancement for its members.

An opening reception will be this Sunday, March 6, from 2 to 7 p.m. at the Brewery. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served.

Art Center students exhibiting in the show include:

  • Lauren Coffin (Advertising)
  • Adam Cottingham (Environmental Design)
  • Natalie Embrey (Photography and Imaging)
  • Richard Funsten (Graphic Design)
  • Braden Graeber (Environmental Design)
  • Jaime Lopez (Graphic Design)
  • Jessamyn Prince (Photography and Imaging)
  • Rene Rodriguez (Photography and Imaging)
  • Bryce Shawcross (Graphic Design)

Alumni exhibiting:

  • Takayuki Shimada (Fine Art)
  • Jason Shorr (Illustration)
  • Jennifer Whitney (Illustration)

The exhibition will be on display through March 31 at L.A. Artcore Brewery Annex. Regular gallery hours are Wednesday through Sunday from noon to 5 p.m.