Molano and Buchman
On Monday, Art Center Student Government (ACSG) hosted a “Meet the Presidents” event in the College’s cafeteria for Art Center students.
The event provided students an opportunity to hear directly from Art Center President Lorne Buchman and ACSG President Erik Molano on changes they could expect to see in the immediate future, and also offered a sneak preview of Art Center’s new strategic plan, which will be presented to the College’s Board of Trustees later today.
Today: Origins of the strategic plan, the Sinclaire Pavilion, and staying in touch with ACSG.
Lorne Buchman on the origins of the strategic plan:
“I came to Art Center 18 months ago and brought a central question to the community: What does a great art and design school of the 21st century need to be to serve its students, and provide the best education possible? Great institutions ask these kinds of questions. They ask them regularly, and they ask them rigorously.
“Asking this kind of question is how you stay responsive to a world that is changing and evolving. That applies to institutions as much as it applies to artists, designers and teachers. And that was the question that we went forward with.”
Lorne Buchman on community involvement in the plan:
“The approach we took was very deliberate. We wanted it to be a community conversation. Many constituencies participated in this plan: students, faculty, staff, trustees, industry partners and alumni. The strategic plan we’re bringing to the Board is a product of more than 500 people’s involvement.
“We wanted the plan to uncover Art Center’s soul. We didn’t want to impose something from the outside, but to find what Art Center does best and to make sure it becomes as pertinent, responsive, forward-thinking and rigorous with itself as we are with our students.”
Erik Molano on the Sinclaire Pavilion:
“Art Center students are a hard-working group, but we need some balance. We need a place where we can relax and play. This year, we want to see what we can do with the Sinclaire Pavilion. It was created as a space for students, where we could hang out and meet up with our friends, but it’s not being utilized as well as it could be. Even some minor renovations could make a really big difference in making it a space that we can call our own.”
Erik Molano on knowing your ACSG student representatives:
“All students should know who their ACSG representatives are. We’re going to send out emails to all departments, and if you have questions about something, you can talk directly to your representatives.”
Erik Molano on the new ACSG bulletin board:
“We’re setting up an ACSG bulletin board outside the cafeteria. If you have anything to say about the College, that’s the place to do it.”
Erik Molano on speaking up and getting involved:
“I know Art Center students have a lot to say. They have opinions about how can improve the College. We need your involvement. We’re on Facebook and Twitter. Send us an email. Stop me in the hall, in the computer labs, I don’t care. We just want your involvement.”
Previously: Students spend Presidents Day with the Presidents