Idealab CEO Bill Gross, left, and Art Center president Lorne Buchman
Two leading innovators take center stage at Live Talks Business Forums’ first event of the season. Art Center College of Design President Lorne Buchman will interview Idealab CEO Bill Gross about entrepreneurs’ role in social change on Thursday at 8:15 a.m. at architectural firm Gensler’s offices in downtown Los Angeles.
The one-hour talk includes a behind-the-scenes-look at Gross’ latest venture WorldHaus, which manufactures and builds customized homes for families in the developing world for less than $2,000.
A longtime entrepreneur, Gross has launched more than 100 companies in the last 42 years, 40 of which have gone public or been acquired, including the first online business directory (CitySearch), the first paid search engine (Goto.com/Overture) and the first online car retailer (CarsDirect).
Prior to his tenure at Art Center Buchman ran a private consulting firm that focused on identifying philanthropic and private investment sources for nonprofits. Art Center is also home to Designmatters, an innovative program that fuses design and social change.
Live Talks Business Forums are a breakfast-hour series featuring leading executives and thought leaders to give the Los Angeles business community a chance to connect, network and hear new insights.
Tickets are $20 and include a continental breakfast served at 7:45 a.m. Gensler is located at 500 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles.
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