Tag Archives: Video

A Student Perspective on Formula E

Here’s a fun video for a Monday afternoon: a documentary on Art Center’s annual Formula E races made by Grad ID student Hugo Giralt.

Department Chair Andy Ogden writes about the event on the Grad ID blog:

“At the end of every summer term for the last 6 years, teams of Grad ID students have been running on the sidewalks of Art Center’s campus chasing Radio Controlled cars propelled by 16 feet of rubber band. That scene is the culmination of a term long project in which the students go on a journey through the phases of conceiving of and then developing unique race vehicles that go far beyond the typical theory, visualization, model making and presentation activities that make up most of a design education experience —to developing, producing, testing, integrating technical systems and deploying an invention that actually has to work—in a high visibility forum,”

Read more.

Exploring Transmedia with Always On

A few weeks ago the College launched a great new project with Corbis Images—Always On: Talks By Leaders in Art and Design. The new initiative makes videos of presentations and panel discussions by experts in art and design available for free to anyone, anywhere, anytime at our new Always On website.

The latest batch of videos—talks from pioneers who are navigating uncharted communication design territory–have gone live. Media artist Aaron Koblin, visual strategist Dan Goods and graphic designer Brad Bartlett discuss transmedia design in three compelling videos on the Always On site.

Below, Aaron Koblin speaks at the Graphic Design Departments 3×3 Transmedia event held in February.

Be sure to visit the Always On site for additional videos, including those by Bartlett and Goods.

Alumnus Fridolin Beisert Talks Art Center

Product Design alum and Associate Professor Fridolin Beisert is a practicing design professional who also conducts workshops and lectures for global corporations and executive education institutions. His classes at Art Center focus on creative problem solving, design thinking methodologies, cross-disciplinary team projects and sustainable design strategies. Previously, he developed games in Tokyo for Sony, formed an international concept design consultancy, played worldwide as an underground DJ, authored a book on learning design using 3D software and studied traditional papermaking in Japan. Suffice it to say that Beisert is a pretty interesting (and busy!) guy.

In the video below, Beisert discusses his time at Art Center and some of the lessons he learned here: