The Image Gets Ready for Its Close-up: Art Center’s Imaging DNA Conference

Sure, Imaging DNA might sound like a new song from the Stanford biology rappers, but it’s actually an upcoming two-day conference (July 10–11) that Art Center, in association with NMC Partners, has organized to gather leaders and innovators in imaging, technology, media and education. The goal of the gathering? To immerse attendees in the ideas, discussion and debate surrounding all things image – their production, display, licensing and, in general, their usage.

“Imaging DNA is poised to be the crossroads for artists, educators, photographers and futurists, and therefore a perfect fit for Art Center,” said Dennis Keeley, chair of Art Center’s Photography and Imaging Department, who will moderate the two-day event. “The way the world captures, enhances and distributes photographs is continually transformed by technology. In the Photography and Imaging Department at Art Center, we focus on what does not change: the essence of great photography.”

A photo shoot at Art Center.

Imaging DNA kicks-off on July 10 with fast track presentations about important topics that have shaped and will redefine photography and imaging. Topics include: “Maintaining Tradition,” which will examine the role that photography traditions play today; “New Screens for Photography,” which will look at the impact of digital convergence on the image; and “The Image in Social Media,” which will explore social media, networks and how they’re driven.

Parallel afternoon panels will discuss the image in the age of transient media, archival permanence and the evolution of photographic education. The day will conclude with “The Final Great Debate,” a spirited discussion about traditional, digital and hybrid methods in photography. The evening will feature a networking party for all attendees, which will benefit the No-Strings Foundation, the FiftyCrows Foundation and scholarships for students in Art Center’s Photography and Imaging Department. On July 11, morning roundtables with conference presenters will be followed by further networking opportunities.

In addition to Keeley, guest speakers will include: artist, designer and writer Ophelia Chong; photographer Dan Milnor; photographer, consultant and educator Patrick Donehue; and strategic legal consultant and intellectual property expert Christina Gagnier.

The conference will be held at Art Center’s Hillside Campus. For tickets—including discounted pricing for students—and additional information, visit the conference’s website.

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