Tag Archives: 80th Anniversary Gala

80 for 80 Initiative A Success!

Art Center is proud to announces the successful completion of its “80 for 80” scholarship initiative, raising more than $3 million to support students in the College’s undergraduate, graduate and Public Programs. At the conclusion of the 18-month initiative, the College raised a total of $3,121,730 for annual and endowed scholarships, exceeding its $2 million goal by 56 percent.

As part of the College’s 80th anniversary in 2010, the College launched the “80 for 80” fundraising initiative to secure the equivalent of 80 $25,000 scholarships. By its completion, the initiative had raised the equivalent of 124 $25,000 scholarships. The College’s commitment to ensure access to students through scholarships and other forms of financial aid continues to be a priority and is outlined in Art Center’s strategic plan, Create Change.

“I am delighted with the level of support generated by the ‘80 for 80’ initiative,” says Art Center President Lorne Buchman. “We launched 80 for 80 in direct response to the pressing financial needs of our students and we are grateful to the broader Art Center community for helping us exceed our goals. It’s an important step as we strive to make Art Center accessible and affordable to talented artists and designers regardless of their background.”

An important part of Art Center’s “80 for 80” fundraising efforts was an anniversary gala, Art Center at 80: Celebrating the Creative Spirit, the proceeds of which supported scholarships for undergraduate, graduate and public program students.

All money raised for scholarships between January 2010 and June 2011 was counted toward the final total. For more information about ways to donate to Art Center, visit artcenter.edu/giving or call 626.396.4216.

Celebrating the Creative Spirit Through Scholarships

On Saturday, October 16, the College celebrated its 80th anniversary with a special event raising money for scholarships.

Art Center at 80: Celebrating the Creative Spirit commemo­rated Art Center’s distinguished 80-year history and celebrated the ingenuity and integrity of our many students, alumni and faculty.

The inaugural Creative Spirit Awards were awarded to four extraordinary alumni—industrial designer Yves Béhar, introduced by David De Rothschild; automotive designer Frank Stephenson, introduced by David Gooding; blockbuster filmmaker Zack Snyder, introduced by Graduate Broadcast Cinema Department Chair Robert Peterson; and contemporary artist Pae White, introduced by Jeffrey Deitch.

The funds raised from the event will be used to create named scholarships in recognition of the honored alumni, as well as support general scholarships for students in Art Center’s undergraduate, graduate and Public Programs. This support will enable our students to fully realize their potential, regardless of their financial means.

Enjoy the slideshow of images from the event below.

Art Center’s 80th Anniversary Weekend is Here

Art Center continues our 80th anniversary celebration with a special anniversary weekend Saturday and Sunday.

Tomorrow, October 16, Art Center will honor four prominent alumni—industrial designer Yves Béhar, car designer Frank Stephenson, contemporary artist Pae White and blockbuster filmmaker Zack Snyder—with the Creative Spirit award at a gala to raise scholarships for students in Art Center’s undergraduate, graduate and public programs.

The following day, Sunday, October 17, is Art Center’s beloved Car Classic. This year’s theme, Freedom of Motion, celebrates the powerful combination of technology and passion that allows humans to move well beyond their own physical abilities.

Also on Sunday, we’ll be participating in the Art & Design Open Market at One Colorado in Pasadena.

We hope you’ll join us!

Save the Date: Art Center’s 80th Anniversary Weekend

We’re celebrating 80 years of excellence in art and design education at Art Center. Following the inauguration of our fifth president in April, and a community-wide Day of Service in June, the College continues its celebration with a special 80th Anniversary Weekend.

On Saturday, October 16, Art Center will honor four prominent alumni—industrial designer Yves Béhar, car designer Frank Stephenson, contemporary artist Pae White and blockbuster filmmaker Zack Snyder—with the Creative Spirit award at a gala to raise scholarships for students in Art Center’s undergraduate, graduate and public programs. The following day, Sunday, October 17, is Art Center’s beloved Car Classic. This year’s theme, Freedom of Motion, celebrates the powerful combination of technology and passion that allows humans to move well beyond their own physical abilities.

For more information about the gala, call 626.396.2338. Tickets and details about Car Classic are available at artcenter.edu/carclassic.