Laura Leiman’s RAAC project
Here’s your early summer bounty of Art Center alumni notes, news and happenings, best enjoyed with a cool beverage, under a shady tree on a breezy afternoon.
Laura Leiman’s RAAC project
Here’s your early summer bounty of Art Center alumni notes, news and happenings, best enjoyed with a cool beverage, under a shady tree on a breezy afternoon.
Alum Catherine Taft assistant curated America is Hard to See at the Whitney Museum of American Art, a show which features the work of alum Bill Wheelock
Spring has sprung for Art Center’s alumni community, which collectively bloomed with media attention and creative activity. Here we’ve gathered a bouquet sampling this group’s impressive undertakings.
Illustration by Kim Ryu for the February 2, 2015 edition of the New York Times Sunday Book Review
It’s been a fruitful awards season—and not just for the creative team behind Birdman. Art Center alums have amassed an impressive array of accolades, from the Caldecott Medal (the Oscars of children’s literature) to the Oscars themselves. So in lieu of glitzy after party, we’ve done the next (or perhaps next, next) best thing and compiled highlights from our alumni community’s recent accomplishments below. Enjoy!
Spike TV’s Framework, a furniture design reality show, features Product Design alum, Nolan Niu as a judge
From Oxygen’s Street Art Throwdown to Spike TV’s Framework to the 2015 Academy Awards to Toyota’s MIRAI—Art Center alumni were featured across the media landscape, doling out expertise on art and design-based reality shows and creating inventive animation and futuristic vehicles. See the full scope of this month’s alumni accomplishments below.
Jesse Hazlip launches his first solo show, “Mark of Cain” at Known Gallery in Los Angeles.
Art Center alums wrapped up 2014 with a flurry of media attention and creative activity. Here’s a snapshot of their impressive undertakings.
Doug Aitken: Still Life
Regen Projects, Los Angeles
Art Center’s enterprising diaspora has been making a creative impact far and wide during August and September. Here’s a primer of the past two months’ worth of alumni accolades and accomplishments.
Jennifer Steinkamp’s Murmuration
Summer 2014 has yielded a bounty of freshly produced works, events and ideas by Art Center alumni. And look for future editions of this dispatch to be equally flush, given July’s bumper crop of kickstarter campaigns. Read on to learn more…and get in on the fun(ding).
Images from Matthew Rolston: Talking Heads, on view June 7 – July 12
True to this blooming season, creatively fertility has flourished over the past few months among Art Center’s alumni. Below you’ll find a sampling of some of their recent undertakings and achievements. And in an effort to more comprehensively represent our creative community, we’d like to encourage the alums among us to send us a line about any noteworthy events, achievements or projects you’d like us to include in future editions of this digest.
Yves Behar, shot for Vanity Fair by Jonas Fredwall Karlsson
It should come as no surprise to anyone who’s ever spent time at Art Center that this is not a college that attracts loafers and procrastinators. That creative drive doesn’t slow down after graduation, as evidenced in the following compendium of alumni accomplishments.
Yves Béhar PROD 91 was featured in a Vanity Fair story about his work at the nexus of technology, design and Silicon Valley. Vanity Fair
Victor Cass ILLU 89 has been elected president of the San Gabriel Chapter of the National Institute for Mental Illness. NAMI Press Release
URB-E, designed by Art Center faculty member and alum Grant Delgatty ENVL 95, was voted best of CES 2014 by TechCrunch. Best of CES 2014